Company profile
Organization chart

Company profile

June 24, 2024

Company name Marubeni Intex Co., Ltd.
President Takafumi Katayama

Head Office
29F Shin Daibiru Building,
2-1 Dojimahama 1-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka, Japan 530-0004
Phone: +81-6-6347-3500
Fax: +81-6-6347-3395

Tokyo Branch
6F JRE Yoyogi 1-chome Bldg., 22-1 Yoyogi 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan 151-0053
Phone: +81-3-5358-1851
Fax: +81-3-3320-9050

Establishment Date November 27, 1967
(Company name changed after amalgamation of MARUBENI INDUSTRIAL TEXTILES CO.,LTD. and MARUBENI SENI YOHIN CO.,LTD. on April 1, 1999)
Capital 377 million yen (100% owned by Marubeni Corporation)
Annual turnover 41.6 billion yen(2023 fiscal year)
Directors President Takafumi Katayama
Managing Director Toshihiko Miyamoto (Assistant to President)
Director Koji Tomita (General Manager, Administration Division)
Director Kotaro Watanabe (Deputy General Manager, Sales Division)
Director Kazuyoshi Hosoi (Non-executive)
Director Yuhei Iwata (Non-executive)
Auditor Masaya Aoki (Non-executive)
Employees 153

1. Manufacture, sales, import/export, and lease of the following commodities
Bedding, interior decoration textile products, furniture, shoes, gloves, hats, underwear, intermediate clothing
Other clothing, bags/purses, baskets, personal accessories, phone covers, knitting yarns
Handicraft yarns, fabrics, knitted fabric, weaving threads, fiber raw materials

2. Sales and lease of the following commodities
Interior decorations, everyday necessities, fur products, home electrical machinery/appliances
Variety goods, tableware, vacuum flasks, eyeglasses, health appliances, managed healthcare devices, convenience goods
Home convenience goods, synthetic leather, leather goods, sports goods, office supplies
Accessories, general medical devices, medicated products, cosmetics
Plastics and plastic products

3. Import/export, manufacture, and sales of industrial materials whose raw material is any fiber,
including carbon fiber, stainless steel fiber, glass fiber, and basalt fiber

4. Import/export, manufacture, and sales of natural/chemical compound weaving threads for clothing and clothing textiles

5. Import/export, manufacture, and sales of linen (sheets, pillow covers, etc.), heat-resistant materials, and electromagnetic wave shielding materials

6. All business incidental to or associated with the business listed above

7. Business other than the listed above

Banks Mizuho Bank (Senba Branch), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (Osaka Head Office)

Organization chart

April 01, 2024